The Latrobe Chapter benefits from a diverse and energetic board of directors drawing from the professional and academic communities of the National Capital Region. Our board members may serve up to three consecutive two-year terms. Our current slate of officers and board members is listed below.

Board Members

Vyta Pivo - 2019-21 (1st term)
Anne Brockett
- 2017-21 (2nd term)
Matthew Gilmore - 2019-21 (1st term)
Isabelle J. Gournay - 2018-21 (2nd term)
Phil Jacks - 2015-21 (3rd term)
Richard Longstreth - 2018-21 (2nd term)
Bill Marzella - 2013-21 (3rd term)
Lauren McHale - 2014-21 (3rd term)
Elizabeth Milnarik - Ex Officio
Moira Nadal - 2019-21 (1st term)
John Sandor - Ex Officio

Chapter Officers

President - Elizabeth Milnarik
Treasurer - John Sandor
Membership Secretary - Linda Ingram
Recording Secretary - Zachary Burt
Past President - Vyta Pivo
Publicity Chair - Bill Marzella